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World Rabies Day: SOHICOHE's Fight Against Rabies in Tanzania

As we mark World Rabies Day, it's crucial to remember that rabies remains a deadly zoonotic infection of the central nervous system caused by a lyssavirus. This disease can affect all mammals and is transmitted through the saliva of infected animals. However, there's hope on the horizon, and it lies in the hands of organizations like SOHICOHE  

The Power of Prevention: Mass Dog Vaccination and PEP

Rabies is a formidable adversary, but it's not invincible. Through mass dog vaccination campaigns and timely human intervention, we can control and prevent this devastating disease. Human lives can be saved through post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), which involves rapid wound washing, completing vaccination schedules, and the administration of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG) for severely exposed bite victims.

Challenges We Must Address

Despite the effectiveness of PEP, thousands of people still lose their lives to rabies, particularly in rural areas of Asia and Africa where canine rabies is endemic. The accessibility and affordability of PEP are critical factors that determine the risk of human rabies, and these issues disproportionately affect low-income countries like Tanzania.

Tanzania's Struggle Against Rabies

Tanzania, a low-income country, is no stranger to the scourge of rabies. Here, canine rabies is endemic, and it is estimated that around 1,500 human rabies deaths occur annually. The situation is further complicated by limited data on the treatment-seeking behavior of bite victims and the associated costs of accessing rabies PEP in rural areas, particularly in northern Tanzania.

SOHICOHE's Comprehensive Study

SOHICOHE, as a dedicated NGO, is actively engaged in the fight against rabies in Tanzania. We recognize that to make meaningful progress, we must understand the full scope of the problem. This is why SOHICOHE has undertaken a comprehensive study that evaluates the costs and determinants of human disease risk related to rabies exposure.

A Holistic Approach to Rabies Control

SOHICOHE's study captures a broad range of socioeconomic settings, encompassing both urban and rural communities. By investigating the health-seeking behavior and coping strategies of bite victims, this research provides detailed insights into the consequences of rabies exposure.

A Call to Action

On World Rabies Day, we stand together with SOHICOHE, committed to the fight against rabies in Tanzania. We urge governments, organizations, and communities to join hands in the battle against this deadly disease. Let us ensure that PEP is accessible and affordable for all, and let us strive for a future where no one loses their life to rabies. Together, we can make this vision a reality. #WorldRabiesDay #RabiesPrevention #SOHICOHEFightAgainstRabies

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